Fred Patry
Westboro Market Byron Linear ParkEnjoy live music at the Westboro Market! Fred will be performing modern hit songs on the guitar.
Enjoy live music at the Westboro Market! Fred will be performing modern hit songs on the guitar.
Enjoy live music at the Main Street Market! Natasha Liard will be performing on the guitar.
Enjoy live music at the Westboro Market! Vanessa will be singing and playing the guitar.
Year-round | Sundays 9:00AM - 3:00PM
May 26 to October 27 | Sundays 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Enjoy live music at the Lansdowne Market! Thomas will be performing on the flute.
Got gardening questions? Ask the experts at the Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton Booth at the Lansdowne Farmers' Market! Master Gardeners is a volunteer organization with a mandate to offer free, authoritative, and unbiased gardening advice to the public. Their experienced gardeners have studied post-secondary horticulture and plant science.
Enjoy live music at the Barrhaven Market! Sugarfoot Fred will be playing tunes to get your foot tapping!
Celebrate Let’s Bike Month with EnviroCentre! EnviroCentre provides people, communities, and organizations with practical solutions to lighten their environmental impact in lasting ways. Learn more about cycling in Ottawa at their Community Booth.
Enjoy live music at the Lansdowne Market! Marianne will be performing on the harp.
Enjoy live music at the Lansdowne Market! Kentucky will be performing fun tunes on the guitar.
Enjoy live music at the Barrhaven Market! Elliot will be singing and playing sweet melodies on the guitar.