Barrow Gang Buskers
Westboro Market Byron Linear ParkEnjoy live music at the Westboro Market! The Barrow Gang Buskers will be performing high-energy hit songs as a band.
Enjoy live music at the Westboro Market! The Barrow Gang Buskers will be performing high-energy hit songs as a band.
Enjoy live music at the Lansdowne Market! Django Libre will be performing as a country blues band.
Enjoy live music at the Barrhaven Market! Marianne will be performing on the harp.
Enjoy live music at the Lansdowne Market! C.A and Sonny will be performing bluegrass music.
Enjoy live music at the Barrhaven Market! Gentle Sparrow will be performing indie soul-folk songs on the guitar.
Enjoy live music at the Lansdowne Market! Eppo Maertens (sax), Chris St-Louis (bass), and Steve Cole (piano) will be performing jazz music
Enjoy live music at the Westboro Market! Leif will be performing on the cello.
Enjoy live music at the Westboro Market! Wild Remedy will be performing happy hit songs.
Enjoy live music at the Westboro Market! Raymundo will be performing sweet melodies on the guitar.
Enjoy live music at the Barrhaven Market! Wild Remedy will be performing happy hit songs.
Enjoy live music at the Lansdowne Market! Jason will be performing fun tunes on the guitar.
Enjoy live music at the Barrhaven Market! Malinda will be performing soothing tunes on the guitar.