Lansdowne Farmers' Market

Aberdeen Pavilion

Winter Market - January 12th - April 27th | Sundays 10:00AM - 3:00PM

From the heart of the land to the heart of the city! Connect with 85+ local vendors in the historic Aberdeen Square every Sunday. Shop for the freshest seasonal produce, meat & dairy, baked goods, prepared foods, crafts, and more. Stop by the food court for lunch and enjoy the market musicians. Everything is authentic (no resellers) and produced within 100km of Ottawa!

Don’t forget to check our Events Calendar to see buskers, community booths, and programming happening each week!
Pets are permitted at the Farmers’ Market. See the Code Of Conduct For Pets for more information.

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Site Map & Vendor List

Interactive Market Map

Click on a vendor to learn more!

This map does not represent any vendor absences or daily (occasional) vendors. Please refer to the vendor list below.

Vendors Attending This Week

This list is as accurate as possible, but please note that last-minute absences do happen and may not be recorded on this list.

Agricultural Vendors

Arc Acres
BearBrook Game Meats Inc.
Bekings Poultry Farm
Blue Shoes Honey
Burrell Farm
Buzzz Honey Products
Cedar Run Farm
Earth’s Harvest Farm
FieldTrip Farm
Flowers of the Field
Garland Sugar Shack
GoLokal Microgreens
Hall’s Apple Market
Heart City Farm
Ingleside Tomatoes
Juniper Farm
Kinoko Mushrooms
Maple Country Sugar Bush
McCaig Honey
Merrifield Farms
Milkhouse Farm & Dairy
Needham’s Market Garden
Ottawa Garlic Co.
Terraform Farm
The Barking Bee Company
The Frugal Farm
Trillium Meadows
Upper Canada Creamery Inc.
VFL Wagyu
Waratah Downs Organic Farm

Prepared Food Vendors

2 Sprinkles
All About the Soup
Art-Is-In Bakery
Bicycle Craft Brewery
Che Malambo
Dominion City Brewing Co.
Ferme Thuya
House of ‘Pain’
Jambel Cuisine
Kamosu Miso
King’s Lock Craft
Loon Kombucha
Rocket Scone
The Right Bite Bakery
Tl Chocolates
Top Shelf Preserves
Poppa Bean Coffee Roastery
Purebread Bakery
Tasha’s Table
The Great British Pasty & Pie Co.
Worke’s Kitchen
Your Bread Box
Yummy Cookies

Craft Vendors

Arabesque Pottery
Joseph Henri Cutting & Serving Boards
Log House Farm and Cottage
Pure Heart Essentials Inc.
Zoe’s Corner

Market Eatery Vendors

Arepas Place
Bombay Garden Indian Cuisine
Raon Kitchen
Thai Kitchen
The Falafel Guys
The Hot Potato Co.

Daily Vendors

Chin Chin Coffee Roasters
Cornerstone Organics
Green Gables Vines Winery
Haico’s Hot Sauce
Meg’s Pottering
Tinkle Berries

Absent Vendors

Chamomile Desjardins
The Pepper Mustache
Warner’s Farm

Location & Directions

Aberdeen Square

1000 Exhibition Way, Ottawa, ON K1S 3W7

Driving to the Lansdowne Farmers’ Market? The best access to use is the entrance at Queen Elizabeth Drive. Underground parking is available for $4.00/hour. Additional parking along Bank Street and side streets is also available on Sundays free of charge.
For information on walking, cycling, or taking transit to Lansdowne, please visit the City of Ottawa’s
Plan your Trip to Lansdowne Page. Bike racks are available. Stop #3080 is serviced by the 6 and 7 buses.